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Compassion International

Meet Samira.   She  lives in Burkino Faso, and is the child our church sponsors and supports.  She is approximately 10 years old.  We correspond with her through Compassion.  Samira sends us lovely photos and lets us know how she is doing and how God is impacting her life, her family and the village in which she lives.  Below you will find some interesting facts about Compassion  that will lead you to their website if you would like to be more involved helping children like Samira.

Why We Choose to Sponsor...

What Is Sponsorship?

When you sponsor a child, you care for and encourage them through prayer, letter writing and financial support. That support empowers a local church to individually  meet their needs in a loving, safe community where they can learn, grow, play and dream.

When you become a sponsor, you are personally connected with a child who will know your name and treasure the thought that you care about them.

Your support gives a child life-changing opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. It's a relationship more powerful than poverty — changing their life and yours!

Your donation provides

Health Care

Age-Appropriate Christian Teaching

Hygiene Training

Education & Vocational Training

Nutrition & Water

Mentorship, Guidance & Love

Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship | A Church in Woodstock, GA Church

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