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Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship (formerly Word of Faith Church) began in 1980 as a small prayer group. The group grew quickly, was established as a church, and moved to a vacant grocery store on Main Street in Woodstock, Georgia.  Rev. Larry H. Baker was set in place as the Pastor of the church.


This non-denominational, spirit-filled fellowship has sought to honor God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the focus in all things and to reach out to their community and the world with the Gospel.


In 1981, the sixty-five member church purchased five acres of land on Bells Ferry Road and built the basement level of the present church building. The church also began a Christian school that year. God impressed on Pastor Baker that the church should operate on a cash basis and remain debt free.  God was faithful, and the church members gave love offerings and the first level of the building was built.


In 1984 Pastor Larry Baker’s wife, Diana, was ordained to the ministry and set in place as Co-Pastor and Worship Leader of Word of Faith Church.


In 1986, as the church was finishing the top portion of its 16,280 square foot building, the owner of the adjoining ten acres of property offered to sell the land to the church. Although the timing did not seem right, God performed miracles.  God also provided the money through members of the congregation to purchase the ten acres. The church has remained debt free from that time until today.


As time passed, God inspired several changes. In 1988, God led the church to close the Christian School. In 1990, the name of the church was changed from Word of Faith Church to Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship to emphasize the church’s vision for prayer and worship.  


Prayer and Praise has been and continues to be active in foreign missions,  It has supported mission outreaches in Mexico, India, the Philippine, The Marshall Islands, Haiti, Ukraine, and China.  It also actively supports Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child since 1993.


Pastor Baker has always been actively involved with many local pastors through the Cherokee County Ministerial Association and other pastor groups as they have worked together to bring unity in the Body of Christ and to impact our community and beyond.


We praise God for all the amazing ways He has blessed Prayer and Praise and allowed it to be a blessing to others.  We can only Say," To God be the Glory... For the Great Things He has done!"








Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship | A Church in Woodstock, GA Church

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